Libreville, Gabon
This website is all about my photographic journey of little-known places, people and animals, throughout Africa.
If you are interested in nature and travelling, this site is for you. Feel free to browse, click on the portfolio and enjoy the photos.
If you would like to purchase a photo please contact me.
Libreville, Gabon
When I arrived in Central Africa, colourful birds surrounded my house. I just needed to look out the window and point my camera.
My work brought me to Cameroon and other countries in Central Africa, like Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Chad, both Congos and the Central African Republic. I also visited Mauritania and the Republic of South Africa many times; absolutely fascinating.
During my travels I witnessed different landscapes, species, people and lifestyles.
Travelling in Africa is very different from travelling in Europe. It’s more dangerous, and takes more time so requires greater patience. Leading to more opportunities to take photos!
Most of my photos were taken spontaneously, often during travel or simply from my house. Some were taken in national parks and nature reserves.
I hope you will enjoy my photos as much as I have enjoyed taking them.